

 It is important to read Section 7.14 of the Submission Procedures, which provides the information on how to prepare the budget, what expenses are recognized, etc. (for each of those expenses cost-sharing is accepted).
 The 50% cost-share requirement is calculated at the Leader level. See the statement below from the procedures (Section 3.5). Thus in a consortium, there may be consortium members that provide less than 50% cost-share.
 Budgeting in-kind expenses is allowed, based on the value of the services or goods. Of course, proof of the costs will be required to be presented for an audit. The cost should include direct costs only, since according to the budget preparation instructions, there is separate compensation for the overhead costs (Section 7.14.4 of the submission procedures, Pages 44 and 45).
Cost share: The USB should include the minimum 50% cost share from the U.S. CMs, in aggregate. The ILB should include the minimum 50% cost share of the Israel CMs, in aggregate.

Where can I find the Energy Center Submission Procedures?

Energy Center Procedures Guidelines and Forms: Click here

Budget preparation

(1) If an entity has a regulatory commitment to use certain overheads and G&A (for example, because it has contracts with DOE), it will be possible to accommodate the required rates.
(2) A U.S. university that has a negotiated overhead rate with the Federal Government should approach the BIRD Foundation staff to discuss the budget preparation.


There are no repayments or royalties in this program.

Hard copy submission instructions

Address for sending, preferably by courier; one copy, double sided, unbound:
BIRD Foundation Kiryat Atidim Building 4, 15th Floor Ramat Hachayal Tel Aviv
For the attention of Chava Doukhan
Note: The hard copy can arrive to BIRD’s offices after the deadline (not more than a few days). The deadline is for the soft copy upload.

U.S.-Israel Energy Center

Funding Opportunity for U.S.-Israel Cooperation in

Cyber Security for Energy Infrastructure


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U.S. - Israel Energy Center