Fiscal and Technical Reporting Webinar
Thursday, October 29, 2020
12:00 pm (EST) | 9:00 am (PST)
6:00 pm (Israel Time)
The BIRD Foundation manages the U.S.- Israel Energy Center program and will be hosting a webinar to provide information regarding the required reporting procedures.
Consortia members have obligations regarding the reporting of their activities and the related expenses. To ensure that your company/institution understands its obligations and conforms to the reporting requirements, we request the participation of representatives from your company/institution, who will be responsible for the preparation of the fiscal and technical reports.
Technical and fiscal reporting requirements will be discussed in detail, as will procedures to be followed when there are deviations from the Approved Program Plan and Approved Project Budget.
There will be a Q&A session after the presentations.
October 29, 2020