Fossil Energy

Safe, Sustainable and Resilient Development of Offshore Reservoirs and Natural Gas Upgrading through Innovative Science and Technology: Gulf of Mexico – Mediterranean –  GoMed Consortium

Click here for the website

Energy Storage

Lithium and Sodium Metal Solid State Batteries for Advanced Energy Storage Applications Consortium

Click here for the website

Energy Cyber

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Technology for Critical Power Infrastructure AI-Based Centralized Defense and Edge Resilience – The Israel-U.S. Initiative on Cybersecurity Research and Development for Energy (ICRDE)

Click here for the website

Energy-Water Nexus

Israel-U.S. Collaborative Water-Energy Research Center (Israel-US CoWERC) Consortium

Click here for the website

The U.S. and Israel, through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Israel Ministry of Energy (MoE) and the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA), have established the U.S.-Israel Center of Excellence in Energy, Engineering and Water Technology (the “Energy Center”).

The purpose of the Energy Center is to accelerate development and deployment of critical and innovative technologies in the areas of (1) Fossil Fuels; (2) Energy Storage; (3) Cyber Security for Energy Infrastructure; (4) Energy-Water Nexus, while facilitating cooperation among consortia of U.S. and Israeli companies, research institutes, and universities.


Energy Center Participants

$27.6M awarded to three U.S.-Israeli consortia
in the areas of Fossil Energy, Energy Storage and Energy-Water Nexus

On Friday, March 6, 2020, U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette and Israel’s Minister of Energy Dr. Yuval Steinitz announced three winners to receive up to $27.6 million under the U.S.-Israel Energy Center competitive funding opportunity. Three consortia, comprised of U.S. and Israeli organizations, will undertake five years of research, development, and commercialization of innovative energy technologies in the fossil energy, energy storage, and energy-water nexus sectors. The total value of these three projects with cost-shared arrangements could reach $55.2 million. Each project will be negotiated with the partners under conditions set forth by the BIRD Foundation, and subject to appropriations. Click to read more.



U.S.- Israel Energy Center Award Ceremony at the U.S. Israel Chamber of Commerce, March 6, 2020
Standing in the center: U.S. Secretary of Energy, Mr. Dan Brouillette and Israel Minister of Energy, Dr. Yuval Steinitz who announced the winners.



Photo Credit: Shumilk Almany

U.S.- Israel Energy Center Executive Committee  meeting at the U.S. Department of Energy, March 4, 2020.
Standing in the center, the four members of the Executive Committee: 
US DOE Office of International Affairs: Mr. Ted Garrish, Assistant Secretary and Ms. Andrea Lockwood, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Africa, Middle East, Europe and Eurasia.
Israel Innovation Authority: Mr. Aharon Aharon, CEO.
Israel Ministry of Energy: Mr. Udi Adiri, Director General.

U.S.-Israel Energy Center

Funding Opportunity for U.S.-Israel Cooperation in

Cyber Security for Energy Infrastructure


Click for details

U.S. - Israel Energy Center