U.S. - Israel Energy Center

Energy Storage

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June 13, 2022 - UISEC in-person meeting at UMD

The U.S.-Israel Solid Energy Consortium (UISEC) met in person for the first time at the University of Maryland (UMD). Joined by industrial partners, ION, Saft, Materials Zone and Forge Nano, new collaborations and projects were scoped for future milestones towards the goal of improving solid-state battery technology. Future collaborations include:

  • providing sulfide and NaSICON pellets for testing in pressure cell setup, with a reference electrode.
  • Spray approaches for Masked Systems and NaSICON porous cathode
  • ALD on Li metal for test in 3DB cells
  • The group toured the labs at UMD as well as the ION and Saft facilities. Several joint publications based on recent collaborations between the U.S. and Israeli partners are also underway.

    October 5, 2021 - BIRD Foundation Executive Director, Dr. Eitan Yudilevich, visited the University of Maryland to learn more about the activities on the U.S. side of the $18.4M, five-year Energy Storage Consortium that was awarded by the U.S.-Israel Energy Center in 2020 and is managed by the BIRD Foundation. Representatives from UMD (the U.S. lead) and consortium member partners, including Ion Storage Systems and Saft, discussed their current and planned research and commercialization activities on solid state battery components and cells. In addition, Dr. Yudilevich met with UMD's A. James Clark Engineering School leadership to discuss potential future areas of interest for the BIRD foundation sponsors, and the academic / industrial consortium model used in the U.S.-Israel Energy Center.

    From left to right: Carine Steinway (Saft), Greg Hitz (ISS), Robert Briber (UMD), Samuel Graham (UMD), Eitan Yudilevich, Paul Albertus (UMD), Eric Wachsman (UMD), Keith Gregorczyk (UMD), and Barry Bogage (MD/Israel Development)